#119 腌咸蛋黄 - 4天就能腌好, 不用花钱买,自己在家就能腌,方法简单,不用加面粉也不会太咸,个个圆滚滚,蛋白和腌料都可以再利用 May’s food #119 Salted egg yolk

2021-04-09 331 0 32,294 YouTube

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做糕点,粽子,菜肴都会用到咸蛋黄。用整个蛋来泡咸蛋或干腌咸蛋,蛋白太咸弃之可惜,吃了又对健康有害。也看了许多腌制蛋黄的方法,有的直接用盐腌但太咸。有的用盐加面粉缓冲腌,虽然没有那么咸但面粉和盐用完都浪费了而且蛋黄腌好后不容易洗。用我这个方法用盐和糖腌的咸蛋黄,蛋白部分原味。咸蛋黄4天就可以吃,不会太咸,腌完后的糖和盐还可以再利用。如果用新鲜鸡蛋蛋黄分离出来做蛋黄会塌陷成饼状。用我的方法蛋黄腌制出来一个个蛋黄圆滚滚的,可爱极了。 Salted egg yolk is used to make cakes, rice dumplings, and dishes. Use whole eggs to soak salted eggs or dry salted eggs. It is a pity that the egg whites are too salty to discard, and eating them is harmful to health. I have also seen many ways to pickle egg yolks, some of which are directly salted but too salty. Some are marinated with salt and flour. Although not so salty, the flour and salt are wasted and the egg yolk is not easy to wash after marinating. In my method, the salted egg yolk is marinated with salt and sugar, and the egg white part is original. The salted egg yolk can be eaten in 4 days, it is not too salty, and the sugar and salt can be reused after marinating. If you separate the yolk from fresh eggs to make the yolk, it will collapse into a cake. I pickled the egg yolks in my way, and the yolks are round and round. They are very cute. 12个鸡蛋所需材料: Ingredients for 12 eggs: 粗盐/Coarse salt 2.5 cups 糖/Sugar 2 cups #腌咸蛋黄 #4天就能腌好的咸蛋黄 #圆滚滚的咸蛋黄 #美美的悠闲时光 #美美画廊